This is a beta service. Please read the Terms of Service and the Content Policy before using. Use at your own risk.

How SquadFTW Works

Create Content

Creators upload unique content like artwork, or videos.

Set Funding Goal

Creators set a funding goal for their content.

Upload and Post

Content is uploaded and locked until the funding goal is met.

Funding Period

Supporters contribute ETH (on BASE) toward the content's funding goal. The content remains locked until the goal is reached. The goal has to reach within 30 days.

Goal Reached

If the goal is met before the deadline, the content is unlocked for EVERYONE. Creators can claim the funds.

If Goal Not Reached

If the goal isn't reached, users can withdraw their funds via the smart contract functions.

Welcome to the Future of Content Funding!

Join our community and be part of the decentralized content revolution.